Embedded manifold

It is a type of submanifold.

It is an immersed manifold but now we require the map $f$ to be globally injective and a homeomorphism between $M$ and $f(M)$ (with the relative topology). It is also said that $f$ is an embedding.

The image of $f$ is called regular submanifold.

If $M$ is compact then we only have to require to be an injective immersion.

Very surprisingly, there are two important results relative to embeddings: the Whitney embedding theorem and the Nash embedding theorem. The latter refer specifically to isometric embeddings in $\mathbb R^N$, i.e., the original manifold $M$ is equipped with a Riemannian metric $g$ and we require that it concides with the pullback of the standard metric of $\mathbb R^N$.

Another less know result is the Cartan-Janet theorem.

A typical way to construct regular submanifolds is by mean of the preimage theorem.




Author of the notes: Antonio J. Pan-Collantes
